About natasha

Natasha’s gifts are abundant as a thirteen year tantrika, intuitive body worker and specializes in breathing techniques that unlock the fullness of tantra. She uses therapeutic essential massage oils, practices both Thai and Deep Tissue massage plus that much needed sensual touch. She is a certified reiki master, level 1, 2 and 3
and Master tantra instructor, specializes in couples, and helping women who cannot orgasm, experience pleasure in their body for the first time.
Sensual energy can fully realize itself by Natasha’s intuitive nature to heal and channel and navigate energy to convert into healing bliss.
As a former wellness spa owner, she incorporates advanced healing technologies like infrared and light healing, sound healing, tesla coils, and a Bio Amethyst Crystal Mat. These technologies. work in harmony with her skills as a body healer, aiding transformation through deep body work.
Her exotic looks are from her Spanish, Indo-European, Middle Eastern roots.